What would you like to create with the remainder of 2023?


THE ABUNDANCE PLAYGROUND is a space for you to invite the energies of abundance, prosperity, and possibility with a dash of intentional action in a community of support.


Let’s sprinkle the ingredients and activate the freedom and ease you are asking for!


Now Is The Time for Your Abundance!

The Abundance Playground is a playshop where we… 

  • Become congruent with our financial priorities

  • Explore financial beliefs 

  • Unlock the willingness to create abundance, prosperity, and gratitude for and with you 

  • Activate our energetic awareness

  • Release financial, wealth, prosperity, and abundance blocks 

  • Commit to the creation of our freedom 

  • Build deep connections with ourselves and others in a supportive, nurturing, judgment-free environment

  • You are welcome in the abundance playground


Do I need to be in debt to join?

  • No, you do not need to have debt to enjoy this class. 


If you desire to receive the brilliance of you and the willingness to commit to you in a new way, this is for you!


If you are ready to stop avoiding, resisting or procrastinating and take action to STOP, make a CHANGE, and begin to amplify the freedom muscle you are seeking. 

Click Here and Set Your Abundance Free!

What’s included in The Abundance Playground?

 Tuesday Tickles

Energy Pulls & Collaboration Gatherings

  November 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th & December 5th, 12th, and 19th 

Time for Week 3

We will play with the times according to the energy of each week!

Gathering together with energy, awareness, consciousness and choice will set you off for a great week - filled with support and connection with others in a space of non-judgment and gratitude.

 Magic Thursdays


November 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th & December 7th, 14th, 21st 

Time for Week 3
We changed to Friday due to Thanksgiving!

We will play with the times according to the energy of each week!


A 1½ hour creation collaboration gathering where we “get er’ done”. Now is the time to unveil your wealth by increasing your commitment to financial wealth.



Energetically align your money flows with your inner abundance.

What does this look like?

Bring ANYTHING you'd like to work on! A project, receipts, paperwork,  financial money flow systems… and together we will commit to the creation of our lives with time to move things!



Stocking Stuffer: a Group Symphony to amplify your abundance so you are filled to overflowing on December 26th

Early Bird Access


One Payment

Join Here!

Full price


Two Payments

Join Here!

Betsy McLoughlin uses the tools of Access Consciousness® with permission. 

Learn more about Access Consciousness®, Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer at accessconsciousness.com